Donnerstag, September 29, 2005

New blood.

We rejoiced.
After all it marks the beginning of our ORD !

They're lucky to be posted in at this time cos it isn't as terrifying as before.
Our batch has been through tumultous times, a lil' exagerrated but definitely much tougher than what they're facing.
And they're complaining. =
A bunch of these fellas came up to help with the eating of leftovers from the BBQ and also to clear rubbish and pack things up (who else ? haha).
I'm glad generally most of them were okaaaayy, as in still able to smile and joke. Except for one fella.

" Hey, you look sad man. "
" *shakes head* I dunno lah.... cannot take the training (along these lines) "
" It's okay lah, we've all been through it and we're still here (cliched inspirational small talk).
" How come you're here alone, why not join the rest ? "
" I cannot endure the training, really cannot endure. "
" Why ? Is it that bad ? "
" I've got asthma and I was supposed to be posted out, but I'm still here. "

Note : Asthma and you can't take it ? I don't really buy it. It's just too bad that trainees only get simple incentives/pleasures like more rest time and better food or earlier bookouts.

Being weak only works in BMT. Beyond that, it's pure condemnation if ya attempt that. =)

Montag, September 26, 2005

Harsh afflictions.

I'm steaming man. I just wrote a super long entry and it just got washed away. I should have had the common sense of copying it.

It feels totally different re-writing it.

If we were to talk about sufferings, doctors have a wealth of experience on that.

I was at a Polyclinic on sat morning waiting in line for my medicine. It was really a patience testing day. 1.5 hours of waiting for consultation and 200 over numbers to clear before my turn at the pharmacy counter. So I took a stroll around.

There was this middle-aged chinese man shuffling his steps rapidly while exiting the auto glass door entrance and it really looked like he was gonna fall any moment.

" Do you need help ? "
" No thanks. " And like healing miracle stories, he immediately walked on as normally as can be.
I stood there, extremely bewildered by what I saw. Was it a trick ?

Behind me, a malay man on a wheelchair caught my attention and beckoned me over.
" Haha. That guy got Parkinson's lah. Sometimes lidat sometimes ok one. "
" Ah ? Really ? Parkinson's lidat one meh ? Haha. I thought he bedek (bluff) me sia. "
He assured me on that.

He began his story, the story of how he got on a wheelchair.

His parents were diabetic and recently he suffered one of the most feared scenarios : Having one's legs amputated.

It began with sweaty feet and a detached toenail on the very last toe on his right feet.

Then later that toe turned black. That really sounded the alarms.

If I remember correctly, on the very day after his medical consultation, the doctor broke the news to him at 2 p.m., " I'm very sorry, Mr R., but I need to amputate that toe. ".

" Then I say ok and signed the form, later they chopped it off *karate chop gesture*. "

It was the start of probably the worst episode in his life. The other toes started turning black too. From 2nd last to first. From feet to the shin and finally to 6 inches below the knee.

He asked for local anaesthesia and watched the whole amputation awake.
There was no blood while the cutting was made until 6 inches below the knee.
Perhaps the tissues below that point were all dead and blood couldn't get through.

He urged me to get screened if my parents are diabetics. All of us should.

But now he's a happy-looking man with a positive mannerism in speech and I'm very glad he didn't succumb to desperation.

Today at National Skin Centre, I saw a couple with their baby. The baby looked burning red and swollen with peeling skin. Most of us should be glad that the afflictions we face are less harsh than those that they face.

I hope they get well and happy soon. =)


I was reading Haro Sg on 'lending eye power' a few days back and yesterday I saw half a hundred people generously lending their helping eyes.
I was travelling up the escalator towards the Outram EW platform when all of a sudden there was this plastic dropping sound coming from the adjacent stairway.
Naturally, all heads turned towards that direction and maintained that way for about 5-10 secs.
I reached the platform and rushed to see what happened.
Many curious eyes were focusing down the stairway, they just stood there.
Down there was an indian man sprawled on the steps with his magazine and HP strewn away from him. He could barely get up. It looked as if eye power can really help lift him up and start walking.
For those who have slipped and landed on steps before, you know the agony of this misfortune.
I went down and tried to get the heavy man up who just started recovering from his shock and pain. Behind me was another indian man who spoke to him in tamil(perhaps). Guess he was alright.

The agonised man gripped the rail tightly and made staggered baby steps down another 20+ steps. Everyone just stood there and watch. [I had mixed feelings about not supporting him all the way down but I really felt that he could make it. =X]

If everyone there was under military law, I hope they get 10 sets of 20 diamond pushups so that it might awaken their buried empathy and initiative.

Did they just think there'll surely be someone to reach out and help him up or that they conceived that " Oh dear, but I think he's strong enough to stand up. I think I'll just watch and see. Fall down only mah...... " ?

Disappointing apathy.

Freitag, September 23, 2005

Rechannelling energy.

I've got nothing to do today except to supervise electrical rewiring of the house and play squash later on, so I'll just blog as constructively as possible.

They say boys become men in the army, I think I've become more pampered and 'shao4 ye2' at home. Today, I washed my footwear for the first time in a year. And I'm very glad I didn't get my mum to wash it, too unbecoming of me. Haha.

I couldn't stand the stench of my sandals when I wore it in my room. I initially thought it came from some rotting food, then it became obvious when I sniffed towards my feet. I took it to the toilet, drenched it with dettol, slotted my feet into it for a more snugly attrition. Scrubbed the interior with stiff bristles and rinsed. Should be smelling good now.

I borrowed this book 'Sri Lanka' and found something sick but interesting.
On description of the Sri Lanka island :
" Even more politically incorrect, the Portuguese Poet, Camoens, vividly described how :
Ceylon lifts her spicy breast,
And waves her woods above
the watery waste

A contour map will show just how accurate his image is, and the evidence of geology shows that Sri Lanka was indeed once under the sea, before it thrust itself skywards. "

It sure looks like a side view of the boob to me.

Mittwoch, September 21, 2005

Being named unisexually.

I mailed them yesterday about my appt and this morning my mum called to tell me that they addressed my name understandably wrong, again.

It started with " To : Miss Huang Shaomin. " =
Love Airways just ended on Channel U and it's refreshingly entertaining. Taboos discussed and it probably got more families sharing. About stuff. Heh.

Donnerstag, September 15, 2005

Prison and DB.

Today I drove 3 guys to Detention Barracks and had a non-detainee experience of it.
Nearing the camp's entrance, I passed a tall fence laced with triple concertina wires on the fence's top. 3/4 of the fence from bottom up was slated with green strips to prevent outsiders from viewing the ongoing punishments/activities inside.
Seems like a dark unknown world in there.

Later on in the evening papers, my ex-platoon mate got charged in civil court for abuse of his mother. He restrained his mum and smashed her with a plastic chair till one of the plastic legs broke.

Imprisonment seems to be today's theme.

Montag, September 12, 2005


Feeling bored and empty while my bodily aches presses on, I thought I should talk to my blog again.

My left elbow's sore from golf.
Left chest's sore from golf too.

The calfs are tender and sensitive to touch, nearly cramped during squash. Acredited to the 12 km.
The right feet is aching for reasons unclear.
The big toenail on the right feet is 3/4 cracked and starting to trap water and dirt because it's slightly detached already.

I met my commanding officer this morning and the first thing he said was, " Hey, still can walk ah ? "
As mentioned in the previous post, he is indeed a friendly guy.
We chatted quite a fair bit on how the run was, how long it took individually, how irritating it was to jog aimless without distance indication after the 4km mark.

The camp guys were shown Russell Peters and boy were they really cracked up by him.
On the news, 2 fellas got charged under the Sedition Act cos they were posting racist remarks. So would Russell Peters be banned from Singapore simply because he's making a living out of racial jokes ? I would say racial and not racist simply most of his jokes have reality to justify them and based on real observations.

Sonntag, September 11, 2005

Marathon and Golf.

Firstly, I'm glad I've undone the codec mishap that happened last night. The codec package was simply not helpful at all.

This morning, after a moderate sleep, I made my way down to Esplanade bridge for my 12 km mini-marathon. Surprisingly, my CO was there and alone stretching, so I went up, " Eh! Morning Sir! "
He's a nice guy who doesn't really bothers much on formalities. =)
He was running the 12km too and waiting to meet up with his crew.

The defence minister flagged and the whole contingent went off with a slow start.
I probably walked for the first 100 m because it was too packed for me to run.
CO was out of sight and fresh faces swept past me every ticking second but towards the middle of the run, those around me kept close around me till the end cos we had the similar speed and stamina.

It'd be good to have a friend to jog through this marathon but doing it alone ain't that bad either.
The first few km were long and unmotivating to run.
I had a stinging sensation on my left abdomen and after a cuppa of ice water, the stretch of my lower abs started stinging too! Luckily it faded off after a few metres.
As we entered the expressway, rovers carrying photographers and camera men travelled alongside the running contingent while occasional shots were taken. I was tired up on that expressway and I thought, " It's probably 4 km already. " I stared in disbelief as the 2km sign came into sight.

I found it easier to jog while being relaxed and be happy. I didn't bother to note how my stride and pace was and applying the above method made me go even faster!

As I approached the Sheares Bridge and the esplanade came into sight, I've seen what I wanted to see - the Esplanade and Swissotel phallic combo. Ya know the 2 balls and a pole resemblance ? =)

Soon, I approached a downward slope, I simply strided wider so as to compensate loss time while walking and go faster without being too tired. At the end of the slope, we were diverted into a road with private estates leading to the indoor stadium. I expected Fa Lun Gong members to protest here again, cos I think they like to show their presence during major events. The army personnels and traffic police probably kept them at bay. =)

Nothing much to say anyway cos I'm damn tired. Anyway, I just tried out the golf driving range and boy, it is painful. Painful in the sense that wrong strokes makes you hit the ground hard and injure your upper body and palm.
Satisfying when the ball flies darn far.
I think the addiction is due to the perception that hitting the ball is chicken feed but why am I hitting it wrongly ? I MUST TRY AGAIN ! kind of idea. Haha.

Dienstag, September 06, 2005

I was half-conscious this morning, only slept 6 hours.
To some of you, 6 hours' a lot but for me, I need more than that for proper maintenance.
I was sleeping in the train, leaning on the glass panel and the grab-pole and finally blissfully unconscious on the seat.
Luckily I took the train with Stanley, I almost missed alighting at Boon Lay Terminal.
On days when I'm damn shagged, I might miss the stops or just burst out of the doors when my faint consciousness senses " Doors Closing ".
I was particularly tired today, to the point of being a little feverish.
Last night I had squash and ran home from nick's place with my bag - to prepare for this sunday's marathon.
My shoulders and chest ached while I ran, wondering if it's poor physique or simply the bag's restraint on my upper body.
Had dinner at 11 p.m., showered and slept at 12.

In camp this morning, after a 2 hours sprawling on my bed, I felt feverish again.
" SM, why you look so shagged ? "
" It's my turn to get Att C tomorrow, I can sense a high fever coming man. "


I didn't realise how bad my toenail really is now. It looks set to be ripped off pretty soon. At the growning end of the nail, I can feel and see the crack of the nail halfway across the breath of the nail.

Really need a better shoe.


This toenail has been the victim of a hard toecap.
The toenail looks fragmented with varying coloured marks on it, whitish bands, yellowish bands, black bands due to internal bleeding months back. Now after a squash match it felt sore again.
I see another whitish band and that band's giving me pain.
Perhaps soon, my toenail will come out in bits and pieces like a shatterd jigsaw puzzle.
I need a new pair of shoes.