Freitag, Juni 20, 2008

Empty office and alternative channeling of diligence

The office is really empty now. I think there could only be 3 or 4 people sitting in this ~400 sq m office. Really quiet and bored. The rest of my group have left early so there's really nothing much to do except read journals again and... now calculating my expenses.

Here's a snapshot of what I spent in these 20 days of June.

The first is what I spent including the big ticket items which my mum has been nagging about:

As you can see, my spendings were rather humble except for weekends and farecard top-up days.

Stats: Avg = $25.9 +/- 15.5 ; Median = $5.9.

SD doesn't really make sense for this dataset, just for fun :)

Now let's extract away the expensive things that I bought...
Avg = $11.2 +/- 13.6
Median = $5.9

Next month's goal : Spend $6 per day :)

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