Wonderful Sat on Ubin!
Now this post will be complete with pictures for once cos I just uploaded them from my camera and just before i get lazy, i shall utilise them well.
I went with lyon, xiuyun, adam, his mum and uncle (who came here from Tianjin for a 2 week holiday) and we went straight to chek jawa upon touchdown at ubin cos the tide was nearing the lowest. Low tide means lots of stuff to see! But the corals still remain very elusive cos the water wasn't very clear and low.
As we reached chek jawa, we had to park our bikes outside otherwise people might just cycle it on the boardwalk and jam up the place i suppose.
Lyon spotted the 4 or 5-storey high lookout tower and I think I heard his classical comment "Awesome" echoing in his mind lol. Here are some pictures from the tower :
Adam's mum posing by the sea-ward direction (taken on another day)
The pink pigeon takes off
Some weird fly that digs into sand
Monster Hornet, ready to blast off.
I thought it looked splendid while flying.
Fishies lurking beneath the bridge
Idyllic Lake
Staring at a weird ship, only one was doing it though.
Citycab Bum Boat Driver
BYE! :)
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