Montag, September 12, 2005


Feeling bored and empty while my bodily aches presses on, I thought I should talk to my blog again.

My left elbow's sore from golf.
Left chest's sore from golf too.

The calfs are tender and sensitive to touch, nearly cramped during squash. Acredited to the 12 km.
The right feet is aching for reasons unclear.
The big toenail on the right feet is 3/4 cracked and starting to trap water and dirt because it's slightly detached already.

I met my commanding officer this morning and the first thing he said was, " Hey, still can walk ah ? "
As mentioned in the previous post, he is indeed a friendly guy.
We chatted quite a fair bit on how the run was, how long it took individually, how irritating it was to jog aimless without distance indication after the 4km mark.

The camp guys were shown Russell Peters and boy were they really cracked up by him.
On the news, 2 fellas got charged under the Sedition Act cos they were posting racist remarks. So would Russell Peters be banned from Singapore simply because he's making a living out of racial jokes ? I would say racial and not racist simply most of his jokes have reality to justify them and based on real observations.

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