Montag, April 17, 2006

This is where inspiration comes from.

My all time favourite song, delicatedly woven with the unwavering ambition of a man in uncertain times but yet self-assuredly optimistic of his future and driving ahead with iron will.


寻见了 就有福
拥有了一切 都进了包袱

天空 疑云密布
心中 翻腾起伏
虽将飘摇 前途仍模糊
此地会是我 衣锦还乡处

飘洋过海 我吃得起苦
现实有咒诅 梦里有祝福
有缘同舟 风雨共渡
顶着烈日当空 眼底有迷雾
日子多坎坷 命运有变数

Samstag, April 15, 2006

Efficient Paper Gliders.

Paper gliders would be a better, more accurate term to describe colloquial paper airplanes because they really just glide and nothing else.

In search of a perfect efficient paper glider, just to amuse lil' Adam, I found out 2 models that work pretty well.

1. "Swallow" form (
2. " OmniWing " glider (

The first glider is interesting because you can modify it much like a remote controlled plane by tearing off edges to make rudders or bending the tail like a rudder to effect horizontal or vertical changes. The distance it can cover is slightly better than average paper planes. It would seldom spiral or head straight for the ground unless the wing is uneven and the fuselage's not straight.
A little bent in the tail can dictate whether it dives or climbs or climb & stall.

The second one which I just found and made is real neat. A little push and this baby can glide gracefully in a smooth descend. I asked my dad to try but he gripped it a little too hard causing the wings to become uneven. Then I asked my mum to toss it out of my house while I go downstairs to catch it. Sadly, due to the uneven wings, it spiralled and got stuck on the roof of some other structures. But nice spiral. Haha.

Give it a try, it's fun!

Samstag, April 08, 2006

ISO 9000

I've been productive today. I washed the dishes, mopped the floor, tidied up my table, cleaned my unused calculator (coated with grime and dirt), massaged my mum's legs cos she had muscular cramps and threw rubbish (boy I hate that).

I went to Qian Hu and IMM with my mum today cos she hasn't visited them before. The salesman at Qian Hu is really very helpful and compared to his fellow counterparts I've encountered before, he's on the top of the list. We went there to catch a glimpse of a fish farm and to find a treatment for fish lice, which has been plaguing out dear fishes for months. His analysis of symptoms and fish tank environment was way better than hearing " Orh, never mind, come use this one, 25 drops every 3 days ok? ".

Then down to IMM, surprisingly of which my mum hasn't visited before, she wanted to enter Giant, but I dragged her elsewhere. I've developed an aversion towards hypermarts due to the long tours within and also having to carry/push things for a long period of time. I brought her to Daiso and she just kept asking if this item or that was really $2. In conclusion, she hypothesized that certain products that could be sold cheaper were sold at $2 while the better products were sold at the lower $2. I got myself a nice bamboo noodle tray to house my ipod, hp and wallet on my desk and also a bamboo chopsticks holder for my chinese brushes. As a true housewife, she got herself practical goods such as a vacuum bag for clothes storage, flowerpot stands and storage solutions.

Watching Ray Charles (now that I have the DVD) again makes me wanna learn jazz. Any helping hand out there? =)

Sonntag, April 02, 2006

It's not like I've never driven before....

But after getting my civilian licence, there's this urge to get myself a car, any make, can zhao can already. Initially I was quite reserved about getting one but after looking at the car ads, 2nd hand cars look pretty cheap but still outta budget. Like all craze/fad, it will fade. I just need to sit down and wait for it to wane off.
Again, it's not like I've not driven before, but it just feels convenient. However, the rationale side of me warns me strongly that it is a bad deal to get a car now, don't even think about renting!
Getting a car is akin to having a baby, though the former is easier to maintain. Servicing, road tax, insurance, parking, fuel, cranky engines. I'm used to cranky engines, nothing beats what I drive for the past 1.5 years. Haha. There's an on-going need (involuntary) to sustain that metallic assembly with heaps and heaps of money (in a jobless student's pt of view). Car hungry, drink fuel. Car sick, see mechanic. Headlight blow, waste money again. For the second hand car, what if it comes with a aircon with bad breath? Hidden defects like nick's van (his got a huge lump of welded metal on his underchassis) ? Never mind, donate your P plates to me and that's good enough.

Bless me friends while I force myself to buy a Motorola HP just for a weeny chance on getting that Jeep Wrangler.