Freitag, Dezember 30, 2005


I thought I'd just go down and play a few old man's game but I had too many old man's games today and I'm waddling instead of walking. My bum just aches badly.

Another aching region would be my left hand, I suspect it could be due to my new Casio keyboard toy. I remembered having such aches when I started guitar so I expect the pain to cease pretty soon.

I've been too busy enjoying this splendid freedom from camp that I've forgotten to return my library books and apply for exit permit for which in the case of the latter, I'd be screwed badly if I ever really forgot to apply. The year has passed really quickly, I can still remember how I spent X'mas or was it X'mas eve in camp last year cooking outside my bunk on an electric grill and spending $60 on food etc. And as my posts usually would be formulated, I can't contain my excitement to say that I have only 5 more months to ORD!

School starts on August 7th 2006, that means I can relac and self-actualise/develop myself for 2 months. If there are no committments after ORD, I intend to go forth into the Sangha for a month and develop into a more holy person, just kiddin'. =) But the monk part is true, I'll try to find a suitable monastery. The remaining month would probably be spent at freshmen camps I guess.

Meanwhile I'll go work on maintaining my baseline happiness.

Samstag, Dezember 24, 2005


I guess Christmas has much lesser meaning for me compared to say, 60% of my friends. A rough estimate, but I seem to have much more Christian/Catholic friends than those of other faiths. I digress, again.

My mum's been nagging at me to send e cards to my relatives which I have just done. *phew*
Among them, those from were good and cute, ain't that bad too. So I've stumbled upon an eye-catching term which I've neglect for 20 years.
"The Spirit Of Christmas", what is it?

I googled for it, as usual. I expected something heartwarming, nice and theological, but hey, I got a Southpark cartoon, man. I think it's graphic Southpark movie clip, still d/ling now.

What's Christmas to me?

1. Orchard strolling
2. Photographing Christmas festivities
3. I used sing carols and I miss being in the choir, probably joining it in NUS. Haha.

The whole hype of Christmas has sadly made me conclude that I lead a boring life. Seems like everyone's having fun out there with friends and their loved ones. My friends are, definitely, out with their loved one. So Christmas is spent with my loved one : Mum. Haha.

I don't know why I got my mum to buy those cheapo x'mas hats with running led lights and super low quality carolling tones. A kid is a kid, that my mum says.

I've been walking along Orchard quite frequently these days, looking for books, clothes etc. and I always see a family selling toys, toys that have little market demand. I guess it's a family lah har...
They take turns to play yo-yo with their tentacle surrounded rubber ball which emits red, blue lights when played. I haven't seen the little girl do the advertising yet (in my fragmented mind), I only remember seeing her once, fiddling out some SMS or game on the phone.

I'm not sure if this family's enjoying it or feeling great about having to sell stuff on X'mas.
So I partially conclude that not all can really celebrate x'mas, sometimes circumstances don't really allow one to enjoy this priviledge. But I guess we can all be nice and loving to each other so make it a special day. Right, I copied that from the South Park clip that I just finished watching. Heh.

Dienstag, Dezember 20, 2005

It was a night of mental incarceration and torture.
Papayas, after the inspection of my vomit, were prime candidates as the culprits behind it.
I was having a throbbing headache the whole of yesterday afternoon and after dinner there came the other dimension of suffering - bloated stomach.
Usually I thought it'd go away as diahorrea or after eating some handy chinese medicine that I carry around, but it persisted even after a second dose of medicine. Even sleeping was a problem for me, the pain and agony somewhat sensitised my nerves so much so that even resting my head was painful. I tried meditating to calm down my nerves and finally slept.
The hours from 7 to 10 p.m. flew past and my stomach didn't feel any better.

To report sick or not?

I struggled with it cos my shift's manpower was quite low and it wouldn't be nice to lay my work upon the remaining 2 men should I get a MC/Att B.
Talked to my mum over the phone to see if she can think of any other remedies but got a timely shelling to get myself seen by the doc. I can't possibly drive when I'm so sick, silly me.

2 sgts sent me to the medical centre and while waiting I started retching and vomitting out mildly. The medic took my temp and bp and my temp was rather interesting.
Started from 35 then rose to 36.5 then dropped to 36.
2 days of Att B and medicine was all I got. And I still feel damn sick.

I finally rested around 12 am but was still plagued with intermittent vomitting. I took the medicine for Nausea at 12:30 am and I could feel the upheaval picking up tempo. By 1 am, I was very very very nausea contrary to what the medicine was for. For every few steps I took, the bloatedness of my stomach made me nauseous, it was like a big fat water balloon wobbling in my body threatening to squirt out vomit.

I vomitted. I thought I should just go for the extreme. Vomitting bit by bit's gonna be a long-term torture and I thought why not I go for the 'open tap' style of vomitting ?
After the initial vomit, I 'ate' in air to irritate my stomach and more vomitting followed until I was paralysed in motion and watched most of my stomach content vomit out. It was bloooody painful but worth it. Felt lighter and much less nauseous.

I looked into the drain where I puked. A chunky porridge of papayas.

Montag, Dezember 12, 2005

Of late.

The package finally came and I've awakened to the economical side and ergonomics of postal service. I'm just sua ku.
2 books sandwiched between bubble sheets which are ever so tempting to pop open.
Initially, I thought I could do a easy transcript of my fav. songs, but never mind, I just can't read the tao gheys fast enough to match my patience.

I realise I can't improve my squash that fast and 3 Div is really a very strong team.

Freitag, Dezember 02, 2005


It's such a blessing to get an off day but it just can't be a perfect one.
I wish I wouldn't get a wave of CallerAlert messages whenever I switch on my phone; I've refrained from switching on my phone too early 'cos the camp guys just love to dial my no. for anything to do with drivers.

Currently down with sore throat and runny nose but at least I can roam around later to take photos.