Sonntag, November 11, 2007

2 more weeks to exams

Actually it feels like exams already, everyday i'm battling more and more work, problematic lab work. Next week I need to hand in a 50% lab report, have 20% metabolism test and german semester test. I think I'll just chill from thurs night to friday night. Really need a goooooooood break. HAhahahaa.

I remembered in sec 2, someone asked the teacher why condoms are flavoured. The teacher never replied.

Today I've learnt several revolutionary uses of flavoured condoms. Firstly, as it has flavour, it is possible for one to have aromatherapy with it. Next, one can catch a cockroach with it as it has nice flavours, thus it is possible to entrap the cockroach within the latex sheath and disposing it cleanly by tying a knot at the condom's end.

And so the mystery persists. HAHahhaa.

Sonntag, November 04, 2007

1.5 Jahre vorbei.

Eben habe ich mit Grace unterhaltet, dann habe ich plotzlich gefunden, dass 1.5 Jahre wirklich vorbei gegangen ist. Sie sagte, dass sie 1.5 Jahre mehr zu studieren. Das ist wirklich kurz. Wir fangen unseres Uni Leben als Freshmen an, heute sind wir in der Mittel unseres Uni-Lebens. Ein paar Jahr später, vielleicht sie heiraten wird.

Some say we're postponing our life by 3 to 4 years in Uni. Uni's a great place to stay in, but sadly it's not for an indefinite period of time. Sooner or later, you'll need to graduate and support the family.

If one does his Masters or Ph.D, that's a further postponement. lol.

So how shall we seize the day? =)