Sonntag, Oktober 29, 2006

Idle banter.

I'm getting pretty lonely these days.
My friends are seldom popping up online, or so it seems.
I need some idle banter.

I was reading up a little on gaining mass but phew, no way am I gonna gorge myself so much and pump iron like an addict. It'll just be a vicious cycle cos I think my muscles will equilibrate back to this current state.

I only hold my pen most of the time.

I prefer jogging. I just reminded Dan that we have a 42 km to complete and both of us will surely and most certainly get an ambulance that day.

I jogged in Fort Canning just now and this girl came up to me for a survey. Pretty odd place for a survey. Well, she asked about the cleanliness of the park, the sufficiency of litter bins, whether SG is serious about littering. I said SG was serious and she was a little shocked. Perhaps because efforts seemed to be stepped down a little these days.

I'm almost done with Organic Chemistry and I'm a bit too lethargic to carry on tying up the loose ends a.k.a. testing myself. How will I score? Oddly this massive CA only costs us 10% of the final. A very small opportunity cost for some of us perhaps.

My mum has taken my macbook as her latest toy cos it's very fast.
I don't know if repeated startup and shutdown might wear out the com or not (rumours seems to affirm this somehow but there is a lack of technical details).
Anyway I've joined the league of not-shutting-down-my-macbook cos it's more convenient.
But sleeping my macbook while in school sucks for one thing cos it saps batt. power. Advocates of sleeping mac says it has minimal energy zapping but I beg to differ. But if the power cord is plugged in, I just sleep it.

I just learnt that Temasek Hall has squash courts. It's splendid news cos previously I heard only KE7 and SRC has squash courts. But now I found 2 more squash spots. =)

I should not be late for Chem tomorrow. Because I always do. Haha.

Samstag, Oktober 07, 2006

Of recent decisions and thoughts.

I've decided to stay in Hall next sem despite what my mum might say because after all it's the one last chance for me to interact at such a fun (i hope) and community-based level.

I think I'm wuss when it comes to matters of the heart.

My front teeth has been shifting out tremendously, soon I'll look like bugs bunny. >_<

I plan to learn Italian after German.

I feel there's a void in me.

I feel that maybe I will not go into biomedical research due to my uneasiness with purposefully killing animals. Maybe more towards cell/molecular-based studies/research.
But nonetheless I'll do my best to nurture myself in School.

I'm very paranoid at times and I need to tone down.

Blogging like this is very much easier.

I need to just do it.