Hallo mein lieblingleser,
Ich bin mit meinem Fahrrad zu viel gefahren. So now I'm beginning to feel day-long sores on my thighs and knees. But! My speed and stamina has risen considerably, of which today it only took me about 20 mins to reach ECP! (Now that's faster than if I were to take the MRT and bus)
My grand plan alongside with the big park connector plan is to be able to cycle to work next time using park connectors or safer routes. It's definitely much more economical and healthier!
Some statistics (not really stats):
Bought bike : 9th Jan 2008
Mileage as of today : 346.6km
Top Speed : 41.1km/h (it was on a downhill slope, so well, maybe it's cheating hahaha)
Ok, enuff of self-indulging. Hahaha. Tschuess.