Quirky Blogger
I finally found a way to work round some blogging problem I'm having. Cos everytime i come in to blog, i see a normal-looking blogging page which soon turns into a brown mess with seemingly nowhere for me to type my entry.
Ok! I finally caught up with the frontiers of Heroes. I finished watching episode 21! yay!
Next, I've ruminating about my future finances ever since someone popped out of the blue to offer some word on financial planning. After some rounds of enticements and fears about the future just reading banking, insurance websites : I've decided that it's still best to be working hard for my future. Putting in my utmost efforts in pursuing my dream career as a Scientist.
My friend was telling me that insurance would come handy especially in times of really awful medical crisis in the family. That I wouldn't deny. But I need time to figure out all the stuff and get the whole picture.
Right now in this 3 months hiatus I shall blog my plans.
1. Study Immunology for the next few weeks
2. Ear-training for chords
3. SEP-planning : modules, finance, location
4. Make a big kite
5. Work in June. Try not to slack this time. Heh.
6. Read up on Bioinformatics
7. Remember that I'm flying off soon and I need to pack my bags!
8. Make a list of stuff to buy in HK!
9. Approach neighbour for tuition.
10. Wake up early. Sleep early. Healthy Living. Gesundheit!
11. And of course, learn some german.
And Shan is right, I need versatility in my abilities. =)
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