Freitag, November 05, 2004

Rovers that ought to belong to the scrapyard.

Before you think that your dad's or mum's car is horribly out-of-date and/or incompetent, you should test-drive those that we are driving.
Yesterday, a freshly-fetched rover drawn out of Motor Transport Line simply couldn't crawl up the slope and move off smoothly without a large chaotic over-rev-ed engine sound.
And dang, after we came out of the airfield, we had to push the rover upslope.
Today, another 'brother' of it had a clutch problem.
Just tapping the clutch will cause a squealing sound that's quite bad. A few seconds later, a burning metal + decomposing organic matter smell filled the interior of the rover. I drove it off to MT line with Vincent and found the old rover's nose choked with smoke. An inspection by the technician revealed the smoke's cause, a seriously worn-out clutch. You could just see how deep the smoke emanated from.
My gut feeling tells me I might get stuck in the middle of the expressway on Sat's detail. Haha.

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