Sonntag, Oktober 31, 2004


Getting the licence certainly shifted my curiousity's focus more towards automobiles.
Things like style, speed and ruggedness of the machine appeal very much to me, naturally I'll be a SUV supporter.
I'm not sure what many of you look out for in a car, but I sense that Safety isn't much of a top priority among the list.
I've learnt a couple of things about SUVs, things like they have a higher centre of gravity so basically they are kinda like trucks, negotiate a bend at high speed and you escape the road and rollover. And the most important thing, in a vehicular accident, SUVs are like rocks, rocks that smash the poor eggs on the road. Being rugged by design, the other parties involved in the accident will greatly suffer unless the victim is a Man Truck, but then again the latter will be the aggressor. So yea, think about the safety features and designs your future car has or should have.
Do you think all cars should have a speed warning device in which punishment would be meted out to those who speed and cause a jump in the meter reading ?
I think SAF's doing a damn good job making us scared of the meter jump. Haha.

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