Dienstag, Juni 07, 2005


It's been about the third time since dreams of a real-like nature occurred and I was conscious of it. Sometimes they feel damn real that I google all the terms encountered in the dream only to find that they don't. But this morning's dream had a term that sorta exists.
The ' Leon Award '.
I met a beautiful girl in my dreams and she passed me her bag. Somehow it was open, I took one of the binded books out and saw ' Leon Award '.
I turned further, " Golf has been a package of sex, money and tourism. ".

Then my alarm rang.

A google result reveal that 'Leon Award' has a couple of close matches, didn't really dug further to isolate the exact match.

Now I'll check on the golf part.

It's clean.

Anyway, another such dream was a maths tutorial teaching a geometric technique called something like, 'circumprobe'. And Miss Chan was the teacher. Haha. I was still with the old class. Same people, same air-con room, same quiet atmosphere.

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