Sonntag, September 17, 2006

Where is this leading to?

The career talk yesterday wasn't really helpful in telling us what we can do.
Description of job opportunities were vague.

Just look at this : "Our staff profile 41% Ph.D, 59% M.Sc and B.Sc."

Why don't they put in the percentage for B.Sc and not bundle up the figures?

But there was a good message by Dr. Low. That is to " just do it ".

I'm embracing that message but I hope I don't end up at the cliff when 2010 comes.

Life Science..... what good can it really do for me?
Why not Chemistry?

I went jogging with Dan yesterday and we felt that we are forced to grow up at this point in life. We are forced to begin to take charge of things in life, we know the inevitable work life will come soon, we will inevitably lose some/a lot of freedom. There'll be major changes in life, good or bad.

Why do we even exist?

Why are we programmed to crave for food, intellectual nourishment, aesthetic nourishment?
If we don't need to eat, don't we need not work at all?

Is it part of evolution? Is my thinking a part of evolution?

We are used to the idea and experience of having a beginning for things and a closure at the end. What if in the objective reality, there is no beginning and no end?

Why is there even propagation of all life forms in the first place? But without propagation, what life form would I be talking about?

Will I be a serial killer of lab mices in the future? Will I live well with this guilt? Why do we eat another life form after another? Aren't there better substitutes? More morally correct substitutes?

As each day passes, the more questions I get. Depressing or liberating?

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