Sonntag, August 22, 2004

A dilemma.

A friend of mine approached me for a part-time 'business' which I'm rather uncertain of. The venture seems more like a MLM company which isn't my cup of tea. Stuck between rejecting the offer and doing my friend a favour, I decided to meet him tomorrow for a discussion. Isn't that how MLM companies work ? Psycho friends and exploit friendships to earn cash ? If it's MLM or another disguised MLM, forget it. I'd rather earn through honest and moral efforts, not through pressurising acts and scams. How I wish the previous business plan could take off. Alas, bo lui leh.

Early in the afternoon, I visited the neighbouring music shop and found a song book with all time favourite songs' tabs. Songs like those from Kevin Kern and enchanting Korean drama theme songs really wanna make you buy it and strut it out for self-entertainment and pleasure. That diverted my attention a lil' from the MLM thingy, I really it's a no-strings attached discussion, otherwise I have to call for backup to pave my escape route.

Here's a review of a book I recently bought at NUH (yes.)

Book Title : Hidden Fears
Author : Dr Ko Soo Meng, Assoc. Prof. and Consultant Psychiatrist with the Department of Psychological Medicine, NUH.

I'm sure each one of you out there have obsessions and compulsive rituals, but when these get too intense and frequent or when they affect us socially and at work, possibly it's an obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). Can you imagine someone showering for 4 hours and finishing a cake of soap for each shower ? Absurd but it is true. This book shows the causes of such problems and how to recognise it and deal with it. It also sheds light on some rumours/myths pertaining to such radical behaviours. In addition, discussions about phobias and the wide variety of phobias are enlightening. Lastly, treatment and self-help for OCD and phobic sufferers with a table for self-checking.

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